
“In seeking truth you have to have both sides of a story.”

-Walter Cronkite


We’re so glad that you stopped by!
We’re a mother/daughter team that have found the issue of electromagnetic field radiation (EMFs) so compelling that, in addition to our individual businesses, we decided to collaborate on EMF Gems. It is our mission to inform and educate as many people as we can about potential EMF Radiation harm, and to offer product suggestions and strategies by which others can protect themselves and their families.




Deb Esposito

Several yeas ago a gentleman knocked on our door and announced that he had come to change the electric meter on our home to a SMART meter. After telling him that I couldn’t consent without more information, I sent him on his way.

After a little research, I realized that from the cocoon of our homeschool world I had missed a pretty significant technological shift. I also learned that we resided in a state that didn’t care whether or not we chose to be bombarded with unnecessary radiation.

Contacting our legislators didn’t help. Filing a complaint with our Public Utilities Commission only resulted in a kangaroo court hearing where our well-researched concerns were marginally tolerated and summarily dismissed. It was clear that it was merely a formality. Worse, the legal process was designed to intimidate those not practiced in law.

We might have been deflated had we not discovered ways to mitigate our personal EMF risk and products designed to shield us from the technology we choose to keep and those we can’t avoid.

Still, there was anger. We believed that no one had the right to put you in danger for convenience or, worse, profit.

Fortunately, that anger has been transmuted into action. EMF Gems is born of the need to share what we’ve discovered and continue to learn about the issue. Experts on both side of the EMF safety argument are passionately fixed in their beliefs. However, the truth is that no one can prove whether our current or projected increased EMF exposure (5G) is safe. In fact, there isn’t any research that proves it is safe. Further, an examination of the scientific literature that does exist should give most critically thinking people pause.

For now, it appears that those of us who are not decision-makers are powerless. We’re not. We can get and remain informed. We can share what we’ve learned with others. We can raise our voices and call for more research before 5G rolls out nationwide.

We can also make simple lifestyle changes that will make us and our home environments safer. Fortunately, there are products available to further protect us as we wait for what I hope will be an honest, comprehensive exploration of the safety and risks involved in increasing our EMF radiation exposure.

Until then, Get the Facts, Protect Yourself and Surf Safely! 


Nia K. Esposito

As a homeschool graduate and entrepreneur, I’ve spent most of my life working from home. I’m also chemically sensitive, so it’s pretty important that my home be a safe space. As a result, my family has been vigilant about not only maintaining a healthy diet, but carefully choosing the cleaners and personal products that we consume.

We also limit the amount of SMART technology we have in our home. There are no SMART appliances, televisions, or personal assistants anywhere in our residence. I didn’t even have a smartphone until I was 18, And, when I did, a sticker, intended to deflect the radiation from the phone, was put on the back.

Like many people, I work on a laptop most of the time. I love to sit comfortably on a couch, with the computer on my lap. However, over time, I began to notice that when I arose from sitting after typing, I’d have a hard time standing up. I’d have to massage my legs for a few minutes before I could tolerate walking. I had sharp, tingling, and pulsating pains in my thighs. I also started getting headaches throughout the day, as well as during the night. It was difficult to fall asleep, and I’d awaken to lingering pain. Other symptoms included memory lapses and difficulty with memory retrieval.

After much research, I began to see a correlation between my technology usage and exposure and some of my maladies. Numerous studies suggested that there was a potential link between EMF radiation and a number of my health complaints.

Since giving up my technology was not an option, I started looking into alternatives. I invested in an array of protective EMF products, and immediately saw changes take place. When I began wearing bio-magnetic EMF protective jewelry, my headaches disappeared.  A laptop pad shield eliminated the effect that the radiation from my laptop and tablet had on my legs. 

My new knowledge also resulted in lots of lifestyle changes. Although it’s a great alarm clock, I no longer sleep with my phone. I limit and break up my screen time, and turn on the blue light feature on my phone and tablet. I also don’t carry my phone in my pocket anymore. (You’ll find lots of other easy to implement ideas on our website.)

As 5G gets closer to becoming a global reality, my EMF investigations have increased. I’m deeply concerned about the impact even more powerful EMFs might have on all of our health. EMF Gems’ purpose is to supply information and resources so others can read and see for themselves. If, like us, you want to err on the side of safety, you’ll also find protective tips and ideas that may help preserve your and your family’s well-being.

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