Get the Facts- Wireless & EMF Warnings and Research

Get the Facts- Wireless & EMF Warnings and Research

There is so much information floating in the ether regarding the safety of EMFs and wireless technology that it can become difficult to separate fact from agenda-driven fiction. However, credible and compelling data exists that should provide conscious consumers with the information necessary to make informed decisions regarding the safety of existing and emerging technology. More importantly, staying updated on the issues allows us all to better protect ourselves as we enjoy the benefits of technological progress.

For those who require or desire more science-based evidence of the claims of those who assert that the human health risks that accompany EMF producing technology are not to be ignored, the BioInitiative 2012 Report provides such data. It contains reviews of over 1800 scientific studies that reveal that those in their reproductive years, young children and pregnant women are particularly at-risk.

What are the Risks?

First of all, mobile and cordless phone users should know that brain tumors are a risk factor. According to Dr. Lennart Hardell, MD of Sweden’s Orebo University, “Epidemiological evidence shows that radiofrequency should be classified as a human carcinogen.  The existing FCC/IEEE (Federal Communications Commission/Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) public safety limits and reference levels are not adequate to protect public health.”

A dozen studies linked cellphone radiation to sperm damage. Therefore, it should go without saying that a cellphone carried in the pocket should be avoided. In addition, research found that laptops and wireless connections also caused sperm DNA damage.

The BioInitiative Working Group 2012 claims that, “Wireless devices such as phones and laptops used by pregnant women may alter brain development of the fetus.   This has been linked in both animal and human studies to hyperactivity, learning and behavior problems.”

In addition, Dr. David O. Carpenter, a co-editor of the Report says, There is now much more evidence of risks to health affecting billions of people world-wide.   The status quo is not acceptable in light of the evidence for harm.“

The Report concentrates on EMF-producing advancements, technologies and health. Research ranges from powerlines and electrical wiring to wireless and SMART technology. Health topics include the negative impact of EMFs on human and animal DNA, genes, learning, memory, sleep, cancer and neurological diseases.

The BioInitiative’s authors state that, “New safety standards are urgently needed for protection against EMF and wireless exposures that now appear everywhere in daily life.”

As laudable as the warnings are, many students of history know that it can be a long battle to stop or reverse a negative agenda that with so many people and money invested in its sustained momentum. Many doctors used to claim smoking was safe. We now know better.

What can you do right now to protect yourself?

Unfortunately, we may need to wait for the “experts” to sort out the data, the invested to yield to common sense and safety, legislators to come up to speed on the issues, and the populace to become more informed before we see global protective strategies implemented.

The good news is that there are things you can do right now to protect yourself and your loved ones.


1.  Stay Informed. Research ways that you can protect yourself from EMFs.

Implement what you learn. Making small behavior changes will have a great impact on your health.

3. Invest in protective devices for your home. There are many cost-effective adaptive devices that can mitigate your risk and reduce the electrosmog in your environment.

4.  Identify personal protection products for yourself, your family and your pets. We have little control over what we are exposed to when we leave home, so personal protective items and devices can decrease our exposure risk in public spaces.

5.  Share your knowledge with others. More informed citizens could shorten the time that it takes to create a safer environment for us all.


Click below to see the full report.

The Updated BioInitiative 2012 Report (2014-2019)


    Personal EMF Protection Options

   Pet EMF Protection Options

   Home EMF Protection Options

        Device EMF Protection Options





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