
EMF Protection

What Does Dirty Electricity Have to Do With EMF Radiation?

What Does Dirty Electricity Have to Do With EMF Radiation? According to the CEO of Satic Inc., B.D. Erickson, when discussing electricity in general and dirty electricity in particular, we have to consider seven things: voltage, amperage, product (or wattage), electromagnetic fields, total harmonic distortion, Ohm's law of resistance and frequency. Problems in any of...
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Are Radiofrequency EMFs the Price of Progress?

Are Radiofrequency EMFs the Price of Progress? Cellphones have greatly evolved over the past 20 years. In 2000, there was the Nokia phone which could only make calls. Then, the revolutionary flip phone, with its camera and T9 texting capabilities arrived. Next came the sleeker designs like the Razr, Sidekick, and the slider cellphone-mp3 hybrid...
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EMF Radiation & Free Radicals: Is There a Health Cost for Convenience?

EMF Radiation & Free Radicals: Is There a Health Cost for Convenience? Technology has established itself as an essential part of our lives. While convenient, the electromagnetic fields (EMF Radiation) some experts claim they produce may be taking a toll on our health. If their research is to be believed, the body burden of the...
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7 Antioxidants that Could Help Protect Your Body from Harmful EMF Radiation

7 Antioxidants that Could Help Protect Your Body from EMF Radiation Harm It is said that, “Food is the ingredient that binds us all together”. While that is certainly true within familial and societal contexts, it’s also accurate with respect to our physical bodies. Food is the fuel that fills our energy tanks and gives...
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Protect Your Home from EMF Radiation

Protect Your Home from EMF Radiation   Our homes should be places of sanctuary, rest, safety and rejuvenation. Yet, while most of us do our best to create a safe space for ourselves and loved ones, many of us are unaware of critical sources of potential danger—Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs). EMF radiation is emitted...
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Get the Facts- Wireless & EMF Warnings and Research

Get the Facts- Wireless & EMF Warnings and Research There is so much information floating in the ether regarding the safety of EMFs and wireless technology that it can become difficult to separate fact from agenda-driven fiction. However, credible and compelling data exists that should provide conscious consumers with the information necessary to make informed...
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6 Ways to Protect Your Pets from EMF Radiation

6 Ways to Protect Your Pets from EMF Radiation Pets are our faithful companions. They’re always there for us through thick and thin. Their unconditional love for us is priceless. The work and care they require often pales in comparison to what we receive from our relationship with them. One way we can honor them...
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The Dangers of EMF Radiation

While electricity is a significant part of what makes modern life so convenient, there may be a downside to it as well. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are everywhere, particularly in cities where electricity usage is highest. Unfortunately, according to some research, these fields can have an adverse reaction on our bodies, putting us at a higher...
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The Impact of EMF Radiation on Health

From SMART technology and small appliances to power sources and microwaves, we are perpetually bombarded with invisible man-created EMF radiation. While one might not be concerned with the impact of a single EMF producing item, the cumulative effect of the numerous radiation-emitting personal and environmental objects give many experts pause. So, what are some of...
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Protect Yourself from 5G and EMF Radiation

Would you knowingly do harm to those you love? Of course not! You go out of your way to protect your home and family from any and all dangers. But what if you were bringing a daily threat right into your home without your knowledge? Would you want to be warned about and informed regarding...
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